Thank you ! Mr, Manassero.
Fisherman: Mr. Manassero
Fish: Fario Trouts
Date: 2024/03/23
Fishing location: genryu in Ligurian Alps
Tackle: Tenryu Furaibo TF39TA

Tenkara fishing is a traditional Japanese method of fishing that originated in Japan. Literally meaning "from heaven" or "from the skies," tenkara fishing is practiced using only a telescopic rod and line. It is a style that relies on traditional techniques and expertise.

Some key features include:

Simple Equipment: Tenkara fishing typically involves a rod, line, fishing hook, and sometimes bait or lures, making it much simpler compared to other forms of fishing.

Handling the Line: Unlike conventional fishing rods that use reels, in tenkara fishing, the line is handled directly by hand. This allows for precise control and delicate handling during fish retrieval.

Technique: In tenkara fishing, adjusting the length and angle of the line is crucial to adapt to fish behavior and various fishing conditions. Special techniques are also employed for landing fish.

Suitability for Streams and Creeks: Tenkara fishing is particularly well-suited for fast-flowing streams and mountain streams. Its simplicity and flexibility make it adaptable to various environments.

While tenkara fishing has its roots in Japan, it has gained popularity worldwide in recent years. Its simplicity and the sense of unity with nature it offers have made it appealing to many fishing enthusiasts around the world.